Six years ago today...
Today is the 6th birthday into heaven for Jessica. It is hard to believe that it has been 6 years already. Sometimes I think about the things she is missing out on. She missed out on the 911 attack, Katrina hitting New Orleans, and the significance of what happened with 911 by having our troops in Iraq. Those are just a couple of things i can think of at the top of my head. She has also missed going to public school, and all that offers(good and bad). This year she would have been 16 and she would have been learning how to drive along with all the other 16 year olds on our block. (we have 1 next door and 1 across the street). She has missed so much and at the same time we have missed a lot also. We have missed seeing our little girl grow up and be a beautiful young lady in Christ. We missed having fights with her about her dress code, and her friends. We are having to learn how to deal with a teenager by way of Kristina since Jessica is not here to pave the way for her. We will neve...