Summer is almost over...
Well summer is here and almost gone. We have a couple of more weeks of break and then its back to the schedule of school for the kids and work for me. WOO HOO!! James starts his new job today at the College of Charleston downtown. He will be Operations Manager for the Data Center. GO HONEY!! Then he will be also working his part-time security job on Mon, Tues, and Fridays. This will make for a very long day for him. I started my online graduate course on Characteristics of Emotional Disorders and Behavioral Disorders. It is really interesting on how we have class. We have email we use from the University of Phoenix and we write in our responses to what the instructor wants us to write about. Then we respond to each others papers. We also have two projects we will be working on in groups. We also have alot of reading. Thankfully the book is online. I was going to go find it and get it from Barnes and Nobles and it was going to cost 87.00. CHOKE!! Thankfully also...this class is spons...