
Showing posts from January, 2021

Blessing Jar 2020

 My Blessing Jar has been around for 3 years now. I started this jar back in 2018. I wrote down anything and everything. This included if a celebr8ty died even. However, 2020 was a difficult year. I didn't have very many things written down for 2020 when I finally looked into my jar. I had two pieces of paper having to do with our daughter, Krisina and that she was safe. I had one about Justin getting into law school as well as graduating College of Charleston for last year. That was a biggy. Thanks to the pandemic there was no graduation ceremony Also, he had decided that he didn't want to go through graduation anyway. I told him that was fine for now. However, when he graduates with his law degree in 4 years. I'm going to be there to watch him go across and he better do it! hehe Other slips of paper that I had in my jar had to do with the pandemic. I mentioned that they closed the state down the first of March and opened it back up in May. It wasn't completely opened ...
 GOODBYE 2020 I was so happy when the clock stuck 12:01 on New Year's Eve and 2020 was over. That year is up there with 2016 as being one of the worst years. 2020: We have been dealing with the pandemic and being isolated from everyone. For months we couldn't go out to restaurants or the mall. Finally, we have been able to go to the restaurant but some are still limited as to how many people can be in the restaurant at a time. Some places are only using the drive-thru. This is our new normal. Everyone is wearing a face mask. If you don't have on a face mask then you are not served.  2016: Was by far the worst year for me. In March we lost our Dad. Then April of 2016 is when I had my first of 5 surgeries. The first surgery was to remove the tumor that was pressing on my balance and facial area. This left me with Bells Palsy on the right side of my face. I had to go to rehab for 3 weeks to get my balance back to normal. Then other surgeries followed because I had a spinal flu...