Blessing Jar 2020
My Blessing Jar has been around for 3 years now. I started this jar back in 2018. I wrote down anything and everything. This included if a celebr8ty died even. However, 2020 was a difficult year. I didn't have very many things written down for 2020 when I finally looked into my jar. I had two pieces of paper having to do with our daughter, Krisina and that she was safe. I had one about Justin getting into law school as well as graduating College of Charleston for last year. That was a biggy. Thanks to the pandemic there was no graduation ceremony Also, he had decided that he didn't want to go through graduation anyway. I told him that was fine for now. However, when he graduates with his law degree in 4 years. I'm going to be there to watch him go across and he better do it! hehe Other slips of paper that I had in my jar had to do with the pandemic. I mentioned that they closed the state down the first of March and opened it back up in May. It wasn't completely opened ...