Women of Faith Conference

Friday the 21st I turned 35, oh I mean 45...LOL
Memory laps...I wish it was 35. I did not think of myself as being old until I told one of my students in a class I had on Thursday that I was going to be 45 on Friday. Actually I made her guess how old I was. hehe She said "37" ..I said "I wish..No 45".
She exclaimed, "Mrs M you are OLD"! LOL
Well needless to say I came home depressed Thursday. I guess I opened myself up for that one. hehe Silly me...

Friday I had lots of errands to do which included getting my license renewed. For anyone else this is like NO big DEAL! Well I was sweating the eye exam. The lady told me to look in the eye thingy(technical term) and I did. I read the two columns. Well supposedly there were THREE columns.
So she got a young kid to read it to verify that there were 2 or 3 columns. He said there were 2..Oh no there is the 3rd one.
Well then she had me read it with my left eye instead. Somehow by God's grace I read what she wanted me to read and passed the test. hehe. So I am good for another 5 years. My license is good for 10 years but at the 5 year you have to submit an eye exam or come in and take an eye exam. Lord help me when that comes! lol

This weekend was the Women of Faith Conference. It was held at the Charleston coliseum(sp). It was great! Seeing 8,000 women in the same place at the same time and praising God! Talk about the power of prayers. There were several speakers that stood out from the rest..Sheila Walsh sang as well as gave her testimony. It was really awesome and I felt like she was talking to me. She made a comment about how you could know someone for years but not know when they are really hurting inside. We all put on masks where no one sees the real us. But God sees us when we are hurting and he is always there with his perfect will at the perfect time.
Kathy Troccoli was there and sang and was awesome. She is one of those singers I wish I could sound like if I could sing. LOL
She is not married and is now 40. She is quite content being single. God has used her in an awesome way. (can you tell that it was all just AWESOME!!) LOL
She can belt it out and also hit the high notes. She did some fun songs that are from the 70's and 80's. She also has a new Worship CD out. She said that after 23 years she finally decided to put out a Worship CD of her favorites.
Also Nicole Johnson, who is a dramatist was there. She did several skits that hit home as well.
What was funny was at the end trying to get out of the parking lot with all THOSE women driving...you could only imagine what the police officers were saying as they were directing traffic! LOL
All in all it was a terrific weekend. Our ladies at our church got to go for free, all because we volunteered to be in the prayer room for an hour and a half during the conference. Just to be available to pray with anyone that wants it.
I look forward to next year!


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