Get a Life...

Well we went to Seacoast in West Ashley this morning and it was pretty good. We seem to all enjoy it. This also includes the teenagers of our family. Kristina seems to like it a lot more than Justin but that is normal. Justin doesn’t like much of anything. The theme at Seacoast is GET A LIFE…this is so that we get a Life Group. Life Groups are small cell groups of people usually 10 to 12 people that come together once a week have fellowship, bible study and hopefully bond. Well James and I were all set to GET A LIFE tonight…but we called the Life Group Couple to make sure we could come. We never heard from them so we are thinking that because it is Labor Day weekend, they cancelled it. I am hoping that we will be able to get connected soon to a Life Group and meet other couples with the same interests.
  The past couple of months since we moved to Johns Island have been a hard transition for all of us. We have been so use to going to Grace Fellowship and seeing familiar faces of friends that it is hard to go to a new church. Grace Fellowship is special because there are several people there that remember Jessica. I didn’t have to explain about her they already knew her. When you speak of a love one that has gone to be with Jesus to a person you don’t know very well there is a certain silence that you get. This silence is because the other person doesn’t know what to say. It is ok to say.” I am sorry for your loss; I don’t know what else to say”. This is perfectly acceptable. I guess the reason I mention Jessica is because her birthday is going to be coming up on this coming Friday. She would have been 19 years old.
That day will also be 8 years since the Twin Towers got hit. That was the day that we saw the true face of terrorism.
As I think of Jessica on that day and what her life would have been like if she hadn’t gone to heaven so early, I will also pause and pray for the families that lost their loved ones on 911.


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