Christmas is over for another year
Well all is quiet right now in the Moffitt household. Only my bird, Peaches and I are awake. James and Justin were out late last night. Kristina had a friend come over and they stayed up late. I woke up as usual around 7. I have almost the whole place cleaned up from Christmas. I was never one to keep Christmas stuff up after the fact. I think I got that from my Mom. She always took down the tree either the day of Christmas or soon after. Most of the time it was because it was a live tree that had long since had better days by the time Christmas had come around. Yesterday, James worked from home for a while from remote. I fixed breakfast and did some cleaning up. James then decided that we should go Geocaching. That seems to be our newest hobby this year. I really have not gotten into it as much as James and Justin have but I am getting there. We went to Kiawah Island to pick up his new glasses that were ready. Then we went Geocaching. If you are wondering what that is go to: