Cure for Messiness

I decided to start writing in a bigger font so I can actually read what I am writing. :)

If you know of a cure for messiness please share. One of the sayings I have heard from James since we have been married: "Everything has a place. Everything in its space" Or something to that effect. Granted, it would be wonderful if things would stay in one place. Then it would actually be there when you needed it.

However, since there are two people in the house, things tend to be put in different places. So for the past 28 years I have strived to keep the place we live clean. I struggle. I will admit it. When we had our kids, they were a good excuse for why things were messy. They always had their toys out.

Now that they are grown and gone, I can now have my breakable stuff out without fear of it getting destroyed. OK, well, I wish. There are always the cats that tend to break things. That is another story.

The different organizing systems out there:

SHE's also known as Sidetracked Home Executives this was created by the Jones Sisters in 1977. They use index cards to help organize their stuff.

In between 1977 and 1990 when I met James I had incorporated this system. I had boxes that had index cards stuck on the outside telling me what I had in the box. Then I had a master list that helped me know which box had what in it. This was all before computers.

Flylady has been around for about 18 years now. One of my friends that I met over the computer and later in person introduced me to the "Flylady concept." She has a wonderful system of routines in place and it can really help you get organized. Marla Cilley is her actual name. She took what the Jones Sisters did with organizing and created routines.

When Daphne introduced me to the Flylady email list when we were fixing to go through a big transition. Our oldest daughter, Jessica had just been diagnosed with a brain tumor. She had her surgery on June 5, 2000. Started radiation every day for 6 weeks. Then we had a break until she started Chemotherapy. It was during this time that we moved to Charleston. We stayed in Intown Suites in a one room box with three kids all less than 9 at the time.

We decided to go visit Daphne in Indiana. She bought me an organizer from Staples and set me up with the routines I was to follow. This organizer saved my life more than once. It helped me to remember all of the Dr. appointments that Jessica had to go to. I was able to keep up with her medicine etc.

At this time I was not really on the internet per se. We did a lot of our groups by email for the longest time.

Fast forward to 2019. It's now just James and myself at home. We have been empty nesters for about 4 yrs now. 

My mobility has been limited for the past 5 years. I had a brain tumor behind my right ear that caused me to have balance issues for several years before I was able to have surgery in 2016. Since having chemotherapy in 2016/2017 I get tired a lot more and can't do as much.  So I am forever trying to find easier approaches of keeping things organized. 

My next door neighbor, Karen just recently moved in. She was in the Air Force and moved around a lot for about 5 yrs. She introduced me to using storage containers or bins. I have a couple already. However, she told me how she used them when she moved because they were a lot more sturdy than a box,. They are           waterproof and do not attract bugs.
As Karen is unpacking she is sending her extra storage boxes to me.

Hug Your Home Challenge: This is one of the new organization ideas. It is awesome. The author of this is taking one room a week and doing specific things to create order in the room. She also has a website called: Clutterbug

You can take a little test and it will let you know what kind of clutterbug you are. Evidently there are four different organization styles. I took the test and I am a Bee/Butterfly combination. I already knew I was a visual learner. Well, those two styles help utilize my way of organizing . I like having things out so I can use stuff. If it's out of site then it's out of mind. 

I know this for a fact because for the past several months I have been putting our towels outside the bathroom door on top of my little file cabinet. This helps me know how many towels we have and James can find them easily.

KONDOMARI: Another new system has to do with folding your clothes. Bet you didn't know they actually have a system for that. We learned how to fold clothes from our Moms.  Well, now there is the KondoMari way. It's a way to make the piece of clothing look neater in the drawer and smaller so you can put more clothes in the drawer.

It's actually quite easy and makes the drawers look clean.

As I am packing stuff for our move to the Upstate of South Carolina, I am sorting and purging. 

I hope this little blog helps someone with their organizing issues.

Until next time. Katybug (James' nickname for me) hehe


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