More adventures

The other day when I was coming home from work I was pulled over again by Goose Creek Police. I thought OH GREAT now what? Well turns out that my light for my llcense plate was not working. So the female officer kindly gave me a VERBAL WARNING. This has to make an all time record, I have gotten pulled over TWICE in one week. LOL
The next day i went out and got the bulb from Autozone and they got the light to work so my license plate will show up at night. The pack of two bulbs cost me not even 4.00, where as a ticket according to the officer would have come to about $280.00. James thinks she stretched it about how much a ticket would be. hehe
I was not going to chance getting a ticket just to find out how much the fine would be.

Well, I have now been with Walmart for a full week. I have seen all sorts of people come in and out of Wallyworld. (as James and I love to call it) I have also seen lots of people that i know about a half a dozen kids from the school i use to substitute at, and several people from church.

It is always an adventure there. Yesterday I was in the express lane checking out people for 20 items or less. This was the first day that i was on the register by myself. I had MORE people come up that had more than 20 items but figure little items are better than bigger ones i guess. lol
Today I was at a regular checkout area and I had a constant stream of people waiting in line to be taken care of.
Thankfully I had some really nice customers that were patient as i tried to coordinate putting the stuff in the bags and scanning the items. I think some people expect the cashier to do ALL the work. ON the bottom of the turn table it states: Please help the cashier by taking your bags and placing them in the cart. (well maybe not that exact wording but something like that). Some people wait till the very end to do it, and I am running out of a place to put their stuff. UGHHH!!
Ok, venting over...I know it will get better once i get the hang of it all. I have one more day of work and I am off on Saturday. YEAH!!

I was listening to Focus on the Family on the way to work today and heard something rather alarming that legislation is trying to pass the Hate Crimes bill where it would be illegal to make any kind of comment about Gays/Lesbians or same sex marriage. There is already a bill passed in Canada and Focus on the Family and Dr. Laura can not have any derogatory statements on their programs or they will not air them. It is getting to the point where we will not be able to have any type of RIGHTS as Christians to say what the Bible says about sanctity (sp) of marriage.
Well guess it is time to start writing to our Congressmen/women and let them know what we think.


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