Looking ahead to 2011
I was talking to Justin the other day about this and that. He made a comment about how 2011 will be a better year. It is interesting to hear him as well as others comment about how the NEXT year is going to be a better year. This year was ok…but NEXT year will be better. The next year always gives us a chance to do something more or something better. Justin said that he wanted to take up 5 new hobbies this next year. Five hobbies seemed like a lot of hobbies to take up even if you have 12 months to do it. It seems like most people take up maybe 1 or two hobbies a year. One of our hobbies as a family in the past has been Geocaching. To learn more about Geocaching, you can go to www.geocaching.com and find out more about it. Simply put it is a high tech way of doing a scavenger hunt! We had fun doing this as a family. The only thing that James and I have found that we didn’t like about it was that when you found the Geocache most of the time the “treasure” inside was JUNK and wasn’t something you wanted to take home. This past year we haven’t done much of it because it takes more time to load it on the GPS and to print out stuff than James or I want to do. At one point James had an application on his Blackberry where we could get information for the Geocache and be able to go when we had a “free moment” or when we felt like it. Maybe this next year we will get more into Geocaching by providing a Geocache for others to enjoy. We will see….
There are several things I would like to do this next year:
1) Get my certification and be able to get a teaching job.
2) Go on a cruise with my hubby! We will be celebrating our 21st anniversary in May and we have never had a first honeymoon much less a second one!
3) I would like to continue blogging as well as start reading more blogs from other people. ( I just recently started this by reading, our friend Andra’s blog.)
4) I would like to continue to work on decluttering our house and only have what we love and what we need in the house.
5) I would like to be able to travel more. We haven’t been to Texas in about 7 years now and it is way past due. I also would like to go see my brother, Steve and Carroll in Virginia as well as see some of my friends that live up north that I haven’t seen in like forever!
As for hobbies, I would like to get back into Scrapbooking, I haven’t really done much of it the past year or so. It has been hard since most of our pictures are digital now and printing pictures tends to be expensive because of the ink.
These are the things that I would like to do this next year. Some of these I have actually started this week. I remember that Flylady (www.flylady.net) has said that to get into a habit you have to do it for 27 days in a row and it becomes a habit.
I am finding myself thinking of more things to blog about just since yesterday when I decided to start blogging again. It is amazing how much writing you can get done in 15 min.!