Author: Marla Cilley aka Flylady

Marla Cilley aka Flylady

     In July of 2000 we went to see one of my internet friends, Daphne in Indiana. We went in between Jessica's radiation treatments and her getting Chemotherapy. Daphne introduced me to Marla Cilley aka Flylady. She had just started a yahoo email group. Thanks to Daphne, she bought me an organizer that helped me keep Jessica's doctor appointments straight.  When  Flylady first started the email group she only had maybe 150 people in the group. She wanted to close the group but we talked her into keeping the group open so others could join. The Flylady email group has over 800,000 members if not more.   There is also a "Fly shop" and there is a wonderful website about the Flylady system. Marla has been such a blessing with her website:
   In her debut book, Cilley, a.k.a. "The FlyLady" to the thousands who log onto her Web site, reaches into the everywoman's home to help make her housecleaning more fun and her life more organized. Beginning with "Shiny Sink 101," Cilley explains how a spotless kitchen sink can direct even the most discouraged housekeeper onto the path of well-ordered domesticity. Through several straightforward routines, including the 27 Fling Boogie (the cut-throat practice of quick junk disposal), the Five-Minute Room Rescue ("another step on the road to clutter recovery") and the Hot Spot Fire Drill (for an area that, like a forest fire, takes over your home), Cilley advises her "FlyBabies" on how to overcome clutter and CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). Filled with testimonials from online followers, the book aims to help readers establish manageable daily and weekly habits by incorporating spirituality and family into the program. Detailed and direct, this is a guidebook for the stay-at-home or working woman who wants to have it all, including her sanity.
   Flylady has a lot of wonderful and practical ideas about keeping your house clean.  Her system helped me when I was taking Jessica to the treatments.
   Thanks to the Flylady community, when Jessica passed away, they helped by donating to her funeral expenses. I will forever be grateful for all that Flylady does for the Flybabies!
Thank you Flyllady and Flybabies!


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