"Do it on a dime"

Hey all, I am on several groups and one group someone mentioned "Doing it on a Dime" with Katherine. She is on YouTUBE. I just watched her cleaning video and might try her method and see how it goes.
1. Monday: Clean bathrooms
2. Tuesday: Kitchen this includes surfaces and inside fridge. 
3. Wednesday: Entry way and Dining room
4. Thursday: Bedrooms: dust, change sheets, straighten, vaccum 
5. Friday:  Guest room or office
6.  Saturday: Grocery/ outside entry
7. Sunday: Rest
I think that was it. She has a lot of cool ideas! Also helps with organization. Go check her out.

I am a true believer when it comes to the Flylady system. I have followed her for years. However, the method that Katherine does seems pretty easy and you are not having to do a lot of work everyday.


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