Having an impact in the world

Right now, I am substituting in a Spanish class in a high school close to me. The Spanish teacher left a DVD for the students to watch while he was gone. Normally, teachers leave movies that are entertainment. This dvd that we watched was very interesting and made me think: "What kind of impact have I made in this world?"

People that live in the US are so spoiled when it comes to how rich they truly are living. I watched this dvd four times today and each time I found something else that I didn't see before. You can take a glimpse of this story on YouTube at:Living on One Dollar a day for 56 days

You can see the full documentary on NetFlix.

I can't even imagine living on a dollar a day. Can you?
What luxuries would you miss?

I think having clean water and being able to take a shower would be a biggy for me.

I was in Mexico twice in the 1980's for Mission Trips for a week each. I saw some of the poverty they have there. However, it doesn't even compare to what Guatemala is like when it comes to poverty.

If you compare the poverty we have and the poverty in Guatemala, our poor would be considered rich.

As for answering my own question about having an impact on the world. I don't think I have made much of an impact so far. Hopefully, I still have time to correct my attitude and my actions.

We are to be in the world but not "OF" the world.

What kind of impact have you made in the world?


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