My Bucket List

One of the websites I read had something about her bucket list. So I decided to write my bucket list down and share it.

1. Visit Hawaii

2. Visit Yellowstone Done: 1978

3. Visit Alaska. 

4. Visit Mexico Done: 1983 and 1984

5. Go on a Cruise

6. Visit Germany and see where James was born                                                                                 

7. Leave a server a $100 tip.

8. Reach my goal weight and stay there for at least 2 years.

9. Learn CPR. Done when I was 24

10. Learn the basics of self-defense. Done: 24

11. Learn how to load, unload, and shoot a gun. Working on it.

12. Post at least one photo on Instagram every single day for a year.

13. Establish a daily reading habit. Working on it.

14. Complete levels 1 – 5 of  Spanish to review my Spanish skills. Working on it.

15. Be able to play a song on the piano by memory.

16. Complete levels 1-5 of German

17. Self-publish a book.

18. Publish a self-help nonfiction book and donate all my profits to charity.

19. Get a book contract with a really nice advance.

20. See a meteor shower.

21. Try horseback riding. Done: as a teenager

22. Do a random act of kindness every week for a whole year.

23. Make a quilt for my Lisa, and Steven. Done

24. Fly first class.

25. Ride in a hot air balloon.

26. Memorize a poem.

27. Attend a charity gala.

28. Have a daily quiet time. Working on it.

29. Meet 10  of my online friends in person.

30. Get my teaching certificate Done: 2012

31. Ride Amtrak   DONE: 1987 with my Mom from Houston to California

32: Visit both Disney World and Disneyland  DONE: 1987 and 2001

33. Learn to skate DONE: 1983 Taught myself

34. Learn to water ski DONE: 1979


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