Spring is coming...

Well its a gorgeous day here in Duck Ditch (quack quack). We actually have a duck that comes into our yard from next door. He knows how to fly and likes to hang out in the ditch that has a bunch of water in it right now. hehe... Sammy just goes nuts when he sees him to cause he wants to be "friends".

Well the other day I reported to you about getting another job starting next Wens. After much discussion with James and pondering...I decided to NOT accept the position.
The kicker was when the "new supervisor" told me that they would hold back two weeks pay before i got paid. Well that would just kill our finances completely. Another thing was that I would have to give up time at home when the kids need me. So they would be unsupervised for several hours. We have tried that before when I worked at Wallyworld and it did not work at all. We do not like our kids running a muck.

I think its more important for me to be available to our kids than to have a job that will take me away from my family and church.
This week when I was subbing for a class, the Resource officer came in and talked to the kids. He said that the 5 major reasons that kids get into trouble with drugs and the law were:

That was suprising to me. I thought it was going to be drugs, or peer pressure. Which are part of the 5 reasons but he names No parental involvement as the number one factor.
2 was peer pressure, 3 was drugs, 4 was television and boredom.
Some kids even named music content as one of their reasons. I can see that because some of the music today is really ronchy.

This past week I learned while subbing: all about global warming, the problems the slaves had when they were freed and the Jim Crow law that discriminated against the newly freed slaves. I also watched a movie in another class about the Revolutionary war (4 times). hehe
Then in music class, she had the kids look up music trivia. The kids were like "is this true or false?". This was AFTER I explained the instructions...I said they were all TRUE FACTS, you are to figure out what year that they happened. OHHHH, came the replies....the first couple of classes i let the kids listen to "their music" on the radio. Then after lunch I talked to Mrs. Lacy who is one of the secretaries and she told me about 105.2 which is the oldies station and it plays 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's which is what the kids were trying to figure out. So the last two periods, I tortured the 8th graders and MADE them listen to the oldies station. (8th graders are my LEAST favorite of grades, mainly because they think they are tough...until they become 9th graders and go back to the lowest person on the food chain again. LOL
I also learned from the trivia that Marilyn Monroe died in the 60's, Albert Einstein died in the 50's, global warming was starting to be discussed in the 80's. That was just a few of the trivia that we learned in music class. hehe
Well guess thats it for now. Need to get Sammy in cause he is barking like crazy at someone or something!


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