Amazing what you use your thumb for...

I wrote about James hurting his thumb the other day. You do not realize how much you use the thumb until it is not usable. You can't button up buttons. You can't put on a tie. It is hard to go to the restroom (clearing throat). hehe Among other things. James wanted to bowl on his league last night and indeed he did try to practice. However, it was just not going to happen since he is right handed and it was his right thumb that met up with the truck door. So once he figured out that he could not play we watched others bowl for a while and then we went home. We watched Smallville, which is one of our favorite shows. It was a rerun but we don't care! Then we continued with our marathon of watching "Surface". For the past couple of nights after watching that show I keep dreaming about the characters in it. Can you tell i am impressionable? hehe
Kids are gone to Carawinds and I had planned to work on cleaning Justin's room and possibly painting it. Somehow though when i went in there and saw what a mess it was, my motivation went out the window. I also have a little bit of an excuse. I hurt myself on Friday when I went to Target. (I think i wrote about the floor at Target and I had an abrupt meeting. ) lol Anyway, since that time I have had problems with my right shoulder. My chiropractor x-rayed it on Tuesday and said that nothing was broken but to come in several more times this week to get adjusted. So i went to him 3 times this week instead of my usual 1.
My motivation for getting a job has been rather glum lately. I had such a hellish time this past year teaching. It was mainly problems with the administration and not the kids. Some of it being my fault, I know. Anyway, because of that experience I have been rather down on my abilities as a teacher and have a hard time wanting to sell myself to a school district after what happened with my last place of employment. I need to snap out of this depression i am in about work and focus on why I wanted to be a teacher in the first place and find a place that I fit in at. I also need to start studying for my test I need to take the first week of August. June is flying by and before i know it school will be back in session.
Well guess i will go get something to drink and see what I can do when it comes to Justin's room.


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