Dog Days of Summer are upon us

Well, Summer is upon us and its getting hotter outside. I prefer to stay inside now that I am older and wiser. I just can't take the heat like i use to when i was younger.
Last week Kristina was gone for a week and I wrote about cleaning her room. I got it cleaned up and did some more cleaning here and there around the house. (shocked James) lol But ran out of steam by Thursday.
Friday I took Justin see Pirates of the Caribbean. I had not seen the first two movies so much of the 3rd movie did not make a lot of sense to me. Johnny Depp was good though in the movie, even though I am not a Johnny Depp fan usually. I also took Justin to Target to get something. Dropped him off to go in while i parked the car. Well when i went inside to find him, I was rushing because i had to get to the other side of town before 5:30. Well i was going a little bit faster walking than i should have when i lost my balance and fell down. BAM! This lady helped me up. I thought...that was really smart...and ouch that hurts. I hurt my left knee and my right shoulder and bruised the bottom of my palms when i fell on my hands. I have been limping around and hurting since then.
On Thursday night about 11 we got a call from the pastor's wife that one of our members of our church past away unexpectedly. Chris was one of our leaders on the praise team at one time and he will be missed. The funeral was today at 11. After the service, and the graveside ceremony there was a reception at our church. James and I came home around 1:30 ish and crashed in our recliners for a couple of hours.
Kristina came back from her trip more committed to the Lord, and with a lot more friends calling her on her cell phone. I know how hard it is to be a christian at 15 , so i pray that she can continue her strong commitment and can reach others at school for Christ.
She told me the other day that it was "ok" if we moved to Florence or to Rock Hill because she has friends there now. I just laughed. I told her you know what you can do right? And she gave me a blank stare. I told her, "You can PRAY that I get a job". lol
She doesn't realize it but that is what it is going to take to get me a job right now is lots of prayer that an opening will come open somewhere. I would like to stay here but I am open to moving where ever the Lord wants me to go. "Where he leads, I will follow.....".
In the meantime, I have joined an email group for elementary teachers and they are having some cool discussions about curriculum and decorating of their room. It is nice to be able to talk to other teachers and get their insights about things. They also have some cool ideas I had not thought of before. Several of the teachers that teach the younger children have said they have been teaching sign language to their children to help them start having empathy for students that can not hear. I think this is a cool idea. I learned how to sign the alphabet when i was in 5th grade. One of my friends (Melinda) and I would sign to each other. We thought we were so cool. It was not until I was in COLLEGE that I found out that there were actual signs for whole words. So I learned more sign language then. At one time I wanted to be a teacher for the deaf. I still would like to learn how to sign better. I never got to where I could sign fluently.

The kids go to Carawinds on Thursday with the Courageous Kidz group for three days. They will actually be doing other things and then on Friday I think it is they will be at Carawinds. Neither of the kids have ever gone before so i am sure they will have fun.
Oh I almost forgot to tell you...I have a way for you to get an email to let you know about updates. So at the end of the web page for the blog you can sign up to get the update.
Well guess that is all for now.


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