Monday, Monday....

Monday we went to a funeral of someone from our church. James went to the grave side service (I went to go help with the heating up of food for the reception). The service was at the same place that Jessica is buried. James went by her grave to check on the flowers. Evidently there has been an increase in population out there since we have gone and he had a hard time finding the grave. Anyway, he thought he had propped the truck door open when he got out. However, somehow he forgot to get his right thumb out of the way and it got caught in the door. OUCH!! He went to the Dr. yesterday to see if he could relieve pressure since the nail was really blue. Well, turns out they will only do that in the first few hours from when you slam the door on your finger. The Dr. did x-ray it though and said that it looked like a bone had chipped on the thumb. So he put James in a splint and gave him some pain killers to help him with the pain. James managed to still be able to get on the computer though. Not even a broken thumb will keep him away from his internet addiction. hehe
Last night we watched a DVD of "Surface" the series. I got the whole series on DVD. They cancelled the show last year. (which is strange since it was really a good show) Anyway, we watched the first DVD that has about 5 or 6 episodes. There is just nothing on t.v. on Tuesday nights right now.
Today I have to take the kids to get bathing suits and do a couple of other things that have been needing to get done. James had to come and get me last night because my car decided to die at the chiropractor's office. I was not a happy camper! I wasn't able to take the kids to their youth meeting. So we just left my car there for a couple of days and I will take James to the bus stop so i can use the truck. It is a good thing i don't have to go to work right now.
Kids go to Carawinds tomorrow and will be gone until Saturday. I am not sure what i will be doing while they are gone. James will be at work Thursday and Friday and I will actually be by myself for those two days during the days minus my animal kingdom around here. hehe
I am thinking about painting Justin's room while he is gone. We are going to be getting new carpet in his room on the 29th and his room really needs to be painted. So I guess I will put music on and start painting.


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