Day 18: Meaning Behind My Blog Name

   It is pretty simple for the blog name. It has my name on it and ramblings mean I talk about anything and everything. I don't have a fancy name for it like some of the other people i know.
   I think the reason I named it. "Katy's Ramblings" it leaves it open as to what I write about. I have always had a wide variety of interests. I think that is why it took me so long to get my Bachelors. I went to a Jr. College for almost 3 years and then transferred to The University of Texas at Austin in January of 1981. I didn't graduate until December of 1984.
   During that time I took many different courses including a lot of Psychology courses. I also took Bible Courses, probably about 4 classes which equals to 12 hour credits.  I also have about 6 to 9 hours credit for Sociology. Eventually, I had so many credits that it was enough to get a degree in Psychology.


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